Scientific conferences as approximate Bayesian inference

Scientists should ideally form their beliefs based on evidence and update their beliefs as new evidence arrives. Unfortunately, humans are far from perfect Bayesian thinkers and therefore may struggle to do this properly. In this post I explain how conferences help scientists perform better Bayesian inference.

Basic model of the perfect Bayesian scientist (PBS)

Let $x$ be a potential fact about the world like "Amyloid plaques cause Alzheimer's disease",1 and $y_1,\ldots,y_N$ denote individual observations from scientific studies, such as "in a study of X Alzheimer's patients in hospital Y, amyloid plaques were observed in Z patients". A PBS would have a prior $p(x)$ about the validity of $x$, and a model $p(y_1,\ldots,y_N|x)$ of how likely different observations are for all possible values of $x$. They would hold probabilistic, data-driven beliefs given by the posterior distribution

$$p(x|y_1,\ldots,y_N) \propto p(x) p(y_1,\ldots,y_N|x)\ .$$

How do conferences help?

Real scientists are very different than PBSs, and generally perform sub-optimal belief updates. Several factors of conferences can make these updates less sub-optimal.

Factor 1: batch update instead of sequential update

For a PBS, it should not matter whether they observe $y_1,\ldots,y_N$ simultaneously or one by one in an arbitrary order: their resulting posterior will be the same. Real humans do not work this way. If data points are observed one at a time, unless people make an explicit effort to track or count things, it is very easy to over or under update based on a single observation.2

Conferences present a lot of research simultaneously, instead of the constant trickle in scientists' day-to-day lives. This probably allows for a belief update closer to that of a PBS.

Factor 2: lower selection bias

There is far too much literature for scientists to actually read everything, and many scientists will choose a reading list from a biased source (eg papers from specific scientists). This could result in a belief update which ignores a lot of evidence in a non-random way: for example, reading only about amyloid plaques may leave one unaware of possible alternative causes for Alzheimer's. Sufficiently large/diverse conferences will expose scientists to a less biased pool of evidence, thereby potentially allowing for a less biased update.

Mathematically, this is equivalent to

$$\tilde p(x|y_1,\ldots,y_N)\propto p(x) p(y_{i_1},\ldots,y_{i_k}|x)$$

being a better approximation when $i_1,\ldots,i_k$ are sampled independently instead of non-independently.3

Factor 3: updates for distributed inference across scientists

Even if conferences present a less biased selection of the available evidence, individual scientists can still only read a small fraction of all papers. Conferences provide a good venue for scientists to directly update their beliefs based on the beliefs of other scientists. If those other scientists have read a different subset of papers, this is essentially the same as distributed Bayesian inference (where different "workers" see different subsets of the data).


For me, thinking about conferences as a form of Bayesian updating suggests:

  1. Conferences are most worth attending when attended by people outside your usual "niche" as a scientist (factor 2)
  2. Bigger conferences will be more useful than smaller ones (factor 1)
  3. Talking to people who work in different sub-fields will help gain perspective (factor 3)

Of course, there are reasons to attend a conference besides forming accurate beliefs, such as finding collaborators, getting a job, or learning more about a specific topic. For these goals, the opposite advice might apply (small focused conferences could be better).

  1. This is just an example topic: I'm not a biologist and this is definitely not something that I have an informed opinion on. 

  2. If this doesn't intuitively seem true to you, a useful intuition pump is to imagine estimating $P(\mathrm{heads})$ for a (potentially) biased coin. If $N=1000$ observations are made simultaneously, people will probably update their beliefs to closely match the empirical distribution of heads. If instead people see 1 observation per day for 1000 days, they probably won't arrive at the same estimate unless they explicitly track outcomes. 

  3. Both are arguably bad approximations though.